Common bugs & fixes
Why am i getting the error "Login Failed"?
This issue is due to two reasons: either your username and/or password contains a special character, is incorrect or your account needs a HWID reset.
Why does my menu not work/closes/crashes when I click inject?
This is due to multiple reasons including: Anti virus Software blocking the neccessary files from being installed ensure that real time protection is disabled and an exclusion has been made for the ovix folder in %appdata% so that when you next turn your computer on, the anti virus does not remove files. When facing this issue delete your ovix folder in %appdata% and redownload the menu
Why am I getting the error "Files Not Found"?
This is because either anti-virus has deleted ovix files or you have not followed the steps correctly
Why do my Ovix files keep being deleted when i close the menu or turn my device back on?
This is due to your anti virus software deleting the files and you need ot create an exception. Every time your computer turns on windows defender is enabled along with other anti virus software.
How do I create an exception?
Run this script to automatically create one.
Why do I get the error "Game Window Not Found"?
You need to have the game fully loaded before injecting.
Why is my mouse cursor stuck on the screen preventing me from looking around description?
Press Insert Key: While Ovix is injected, press the Insert key on the keyboard once. This action should promptly resolve the problem, allowing them to regain control and resume gameplay without the unwanted cursor interfering
Why do I get "Successfully Injected" but the menu or console doesn't appear?
Install Visual C++ Redistributable:
If this is already installed, uninstall it entirely and then reinstall.
Ensure the Local Windows Account "in Use" Has Administrator Privileges
-# Note: For a 64-bit operating system, download the x64 installer of Visual C++ Redistributable. For a 32-bit operating system, download the x86 installer.
Last updated