Common bugs & fixes
Last updated
Last updated
1 - Make sure you are running FiveM in Fullscreen mode.
2 - Make sure your FiveM is in release mode, Eulen does not support beta/unstable mode.
3 - Make sure you have windows defender in real time disabled.
4 - If you have any type of antivirus, disable it completely.
5 - Make sure everything is up to date, windows, drivers, video card.
6 - Try clearing your FiveM cache folder. (search on youtube how to clean fivem cache)
7 - Make sure you are injecting when you are on the FiveM menu (server list)
8 - Make sure your Steam Overlay is working on FiveM.
9 - Apps running in the background can interfere with performance and cause crashes, so avoid using applications that the background is animated, close launchers such as origin, ubisoft, epic games, Riot Vanguard, Faceit anti cheat, terminate unnecessary applications, do not let anything hinder the performance of FiveM.
10 - Graphic mods, unfortunately any kind of graphic mod in FiveM can cause usage conflicts with Eulen.
If you are having an error related to 'msvcp140.dll' you probably have reinstalled Windows recently and are now in need of dlls. You can solve this problem by downloading this file.
If you have this HWID error it is because you have probably modified something on your PC, or you are using a different PC. In this case you need to fill out the HWID reset form by clicking here, fill it in correctly only once and wait, you will be notified by email when your reset is completed. (also check your spam folder)
An important note is that apparently at the moment the graphic mod RESHADE is causing conflict with Eulen, so if you have the reshade mod you must uninstall it to be able to use Eulen.
We are working to support reshade as soon as possible, but at the moment if you have it installed you should remove it.
In this guide we provide a video tutorial on how to uninstall reshade correctly.
1 - Make sure Steam Overlay is actually enabled on your FiveM. (To check this, just have Steam open, start FiveM, in the FiveM menu press TAB + SHIFT, if the Steam panel appears, it means your Steam overlay is working 100%).
2 - Only for those who have Reshade installed, follow this video to uninstall it correctly. (if you don't have the graphic mod reshade just skip this step)
Video to remove reshade correctly:
4 - Try setting your FiveM Screen Type to Windowed mode, then restart FiveM and try using Eulen.
5 - Make sure you are using DirectX 11 on FiveM.
3 - Make sure your FiveM is in release mode, Eulen does not support beta/unstable mode.