How do I use 2Take1?
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Last updated
Head to the 2Take1 website here (
Register an account using a username and email. You will receive a verification email shortly to set your account password.
Once you set your password, log in ( with the account you just registered in the previous step.
Once logged in, you will see your user panel. Head to the "My Licenses" section, click in the "Redeem A Code" button and redeem your license key, which can be found at the end of the email you received with the purchase.
Before downloading the software, you will need to disable your anti-virus. This is due to the nature of the software and how it interacts with your game.
Once you have redeemed your key, you can now download the mod menu files.
Download the mod menu files and unzip them in your desktop or a folder of your choice.
Make sure you have GTA V closed. Open the folder where you extracted the files before and run the "Launcher.exe".
The launcher will open and ask you for your 2Take1 credentials, which are the same as the details you created on their website.
Wait for the launcher to load until it says "Waiting for GTA5.exe". You can now start GTA V.
Wait until you are in the main selection screen or in story mode, on GTA V.
Click on the "Inject" button. You will see a splash screen on your game once it loads.